How to use the 'Edit App' function and update your eIDAS certificate

'Edit App' function ↓

• Edit an App Name

PLEASE NOTE: The APP name is shown for the end user (Payment Service user – PSU) in the redirect Auth flow. If you create/change the name of an PSD2 APP using eIDAS Certificate, be aware that you need to manually add your eIDAS certificate common name from the Subject field.  

• Update or add Redirect URIs
• Update Certificate in text format (only for Markets and Finance APIs) - field under Certificate

For other Premium APIs  submit your request  for update of Premium Certificates.

• Update eIDAS QSEALc Public certificate (PSD2 customers) - please paste eIDAS QSEALc in text format without -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- / -----END CERTIFICATE----- in the field provided under eIDAS Certificate given to PSD2 license holders. If you are PSD2 TPP please provide your eIDAS certificate.




To fix possible out of sync issue you need to go to Apps from the top and update your apps with the necessary information as shown in the guide below.

  1. Click [Apps]
  2. Click [AppName] of the application you wish to update


  3. Click on three dots and [Edit] 


  4. Fill in / update the fields with the values you want. 
    For example, paste new/renewed eIDAS certificate into eIDAS Certificate field (if you are consuming PSD2 APIs) or your client certificate into “Certificate” field (if you consume premium APIs). 

    Finally click [Save] even if you haven't changed anything.
