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How to activate your account in production

How to activate your account ↓

After you have requested Access for Production at https://developer.nordeaopenbanking.com/production-access and the request has been processed and approved, Consumer organisation will be set up for you and you will receive an email confirming request to reset your password. 

Please follow the link for password reset provided in the email and configure your new password. 

Reset password link is valid for 72 hours, so make sure to reset password before the link expires.


After resetting your password you will be able to log in to Nordea Developer portal with your email and password provided in the previous step.

How to start traffic with Premium APIs Instant Reporting and Corporate Payout

Before starting to make Instant Reporting API calls ↓

Before you connect to the Instant Reporting API, make sure that:
  • You have access to Production developer portal
  • Your application is created in Production developer portal and that the Instant Reporting API is connected to the application. 
  • Please check that your company's Open Banking (Corporate Netbank) administrator is aware of that you are planning to start the first call. The Open Banking administrator will authorize access to your company's accounts, using Nordea Codes app. (link to instructions on Nordea.com)
When you do the first call

To be able to use and connect to the live API you need to know the following credentials: 

  • Your application's Client ID (available in Developer portal after clicking on the app) 
  • Client Secret (available in Developer portal after clicking on the app)
  • Your company's Corporate Netbank's agreement number (It can be found in the Corporate Netbank user interface.) 
  • Your company's Corporate Netbank administrator's log on ID Check with your company7s Corporate Netbank administrator, if your company has one or several administrators. 
  • Signature using your self-signed certificate 
  • Access Token 

The Access Token must be retrieved using the Corporate Access Authorization API endpoints, please see the access authorization flow documentation for how to do this. 

When making requests; the Client ID, Client Secret; and Access Token are sent in the header of each request. 

Corporate Access Authorization documentation
Instant Reporting documentation


Frequently asked questions
  1. If you get an API response with the error 'unauthorized', it means that some of the credentials are invalid. Please check the credentials listed above. Make sure you do not mix sandbox application credentials with your production application. 
  2. Choose the correct scope parameter - ACCOUNTS BROADBAND'     
  3. If you get an API response with the status 'Pending' — it means that your company's Open Banking administrator has not authorized access to the accounts yet. Please contact your company's administrator.

How to view and edit your app settings, see Client ID and reset Client Secret

View and edit your app settings, see Client ID and reset Client Secret ↓

If your app should consume:

  1. PSD2 APIs you must add Redirect URL and eIDAS Public certificate (please paste eIDAS in text format without -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- / -----END CERTIFICATE-----)
    When the information is added you can subscribe to the PSD2 APIs and start your API consumption  

    PLEASE NOTE: The APP name is shown for the end user (Payment Service user – PSU) in the redirect Auth flow. If you create/change the name of an PSD2 APP using eIDAS Certificate, be aware that you need to manually add your eIDAS certificate common name from the Subject field


  2. Corporate APIs you need to contact our sales for a corporate agreement  
  3. Markets APIs Subscribe for the APIs you want to consume As a new customer please wait to be contacted by our Markets team.


To access your list of apps click [Apps].

 apps menu

Choose the application you wish to view.


To change Application name or Redirect URI or to update your certificate, click three dots on the right and choose [Edit].


In the provided form you can change Application name, paste certificates or add redirect URls. 

Click [Add another item] to add more redirect URls, as each has to be pasted in the separate line. 


To get Client ID (API Key), click [Subscriptions] tab in your Application screen and use copy content icon.

 apps menu

The only way to see the Client Secret (API Secret) is to Reset it.

On Subscriptions tab click three dots on the right and choose [Reset API Secret].


You will be prompted to confirm this action.




If you have Secret but you are unsure if it is the correct one, you can use [Verify] option


Paste Secret into provided box and click  [Verify]


If provided Secret is not valid for this Application, you will receive the following message



In this case, you need to reset your Secret


If provided Secret is valid for this Application. You will receive the following message


How to view your organisation, invite additional users and change organisation ownership

View your organisation, invite additional users and change organisation ownership ↓

Click your organisation name in the  top right corner.

Then click [My organization] in the drop-down menu to access the organisation status page.

You can invite additional users to the organisation with different accesses as well as pass on the organisation ownership to another user in the organisation.



Invite a new user to join the organisation either as an AdministratorViewer or an App Developer:

Administrator role

  • Administrator can can make changes to the APP name, redirect URI and unsubscribe from active subscription(s)
  • Administrator can add new users or remove existing users to or from the Organisation in question
  • Administrator can change Organisation owner

Viewer role

  • Viewer will have view access to the portal
  • Viewer can see App name, redirect URI and active subscription(s)
  • Viewer cannot see client ID or Secret

App Developer role

  • App Developer can see Client ID and reset the Client Secret
  • App Developer can make changes to the APP name, redirect URI and unsubscribe from active subscription(s)
  • App Developer cannot add new users or remove existing users to or from the Organisation in question

Click [Invite] to 



Click tree dots on the right [Change ownership] and then click [Change organization owner] to pass on the organisation ownership to another user already invited to the organisation.


How to change between multiple organisations you are the owner of

Change between multiple organisations you are the owner of ↓

In some cases you might manage multiple organisations of which you are the sole owner. To change between organisations you need to click the [Organisation name] in the top right corner and choose the other organisation you wish to manage.


How to use the ‘Create new App’ function

‘Create new App’ function ↓

We have improved the app life cycle functionality with the possibility to create a new app.

The ‘Create new App’ function allows you as an owner of an organisation to create a new application. With a new app you receive an additional ClientID and secret.

  1. Click [Apps]
  2. Click [Create new APP] in the top right corner


  3. Type in the title of your app and click [Save]

    PLEASE NOTE: The APP name is shown for the end user (Payment Service user – PSU) in the redirect Auth flow. If you create/change the name of an PSD2 APP using eIDAS Certificate, be aware that you need to manually add your eIDAS certificate common name from the Subject field

  4. Save key and security code for future use.


    When a new app is created, please configure it through “Edit App” and make sure that all relevant information is added.



How to use the 'Edit App' function and update your eIDAS certificate

'Edit App' function ↓

• Edit an App Name

PLEASE NOTE: The APP name is shown for the end user (Payment Service user – PSU) in the redirect Auth flow. If you create/change the name of an PSD2 APP using eIDAS Certificate, be aware that you need to manually add your eIDAS certificate common name from the Subject field.  

• Update or add Redirect URIs
• Update Certificate in text format (only for Markets and Finance APIs) - field under Certificate

For other Premium APIs  submit your request  for update of Premium Certificates.

• Update eIDAS QSEALc Public certificate (PSD2 customers) - please paste eIDAS QSEALc in text format without -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- / -----END CERTIFICATE----- in the field provided under eIDAS Certificate given to PSD2 license holders. If you are PSD2 TPP please provide your eIDAS certificate.




To fix possible out of sync issue you need to go to Apps from the top and update your apps with the necessary information as shown in the guide below.

  1. Click [Apps]
  2. Click [AppName] of the application you wish to update


  3. Click on three dots and [Edit] 


  4. Fill in / update the fields with the values you want. 
    For example, paste new/renewed eIDAS certificate into eIDAS Certificate field (if you are consuming PSD2 APIs) or your client certificate into “Certificate” field (if you consume premium APIs). 

    Finally click [Save] even if you haven't changed anything.


How to subscribe to API Products

Subscribe to API Products ↓

Instruction on how to add subscriptions for your app

• PSD2 Products
• Premium Products

  1. Click [API Products]
  2. Click [API product name] of the product you wish to subscribe for


  3. Select plan which suits best to your preferences by click [Select] in correct field.


  4. Choose application which you want to subscribe and follow the next steps.




Preconditions for products:

1.     PSD2 APIs 
Redirect URI and eIDAS certificate
Will be approved automatically, within a short period of time, according to your eIDAS certificate roles

2. Premium APIs: Please contact your relationship manager or cash management advisor for an agreement

3. Premium Markets APIs
Subscribe for the APIs you want to consume
As a new customer please wait to be contacted by our Markets team.

The subscription will remain in “Pending Approval” stage until approved.
Subscription needs to be approved in API Connect.

You can find status of approvals in APP Details

1. Click [apps]
2. Click [app name] of the app you want status for
